Friday, January 31, 2014

My Projects So Far

While I'm waiting for my lye (still), I thought that over the next few days I would share some of the soaps that I have made so far. Here is a picture of them all together. Descriptions and pictures to come! (Please excuse the wrinkles.)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ain't No Lye

I have been anxiously awaiting my new shipment of soap supplies for about two weeks now. I was not so patiently planning and preparing for my first project. I knew what day my box would arrive. I made sure to keep up with the housework and other things so I could spend the night soaping. The Fed-Ex truck pulled up to my house. My box was finally here! With the three youngest boys trying to get their hands on everything helping, I started to unpack the box. It was so beautiful, I had to take a picture.

As I was putting the lye up high where no one could reach it, I noticed the big word Borax on the canister. My heart sank. No soaping for me, and more waiting for another package!! Not to be daunted, I decided to try some whipped body butter. What a fun and easy project! And I was rewarded by being able to slather my ashy legs after my shower last night.


Oils and Butters

The Melted Butters

Time to start whipping

It made so much!!

2014 Goals

I have only been soaping for three months now. Yes, I am very much a beginner, and I have so much to learn. I'm on a mission to find the perfect recipe. I am on a mission to try the myriad of beautiful swirls and designs that I have seen on other blogs. To find the perfect blends of colors. To find some awesome scents. So here are my goals:

1. A clay bar
2. A drop swirl
3. A tiger stripe
4. A tilted tiger stripe
5. A shampoo bar
6. A mantra swirl
7. A hanger swirl
8. A mica swirled top
9. A leopard print
10. A Taiwan swirl
11. A layered bar
12. A salt bar
13. A goats milk bar

That's a lot of soap! A little over one project per month (if I can control myself and not go on a soap binge). But I have a problem. Soaping can get expensive. And even though I have four boys, there's no way I need or have room for a mountain of soap. Enter the one pound mold!

Perfect for having some fun!

Late to the Party

I said that I would never have a blog. I love to read blogs. Design blogs, soap blogs, cooking blogs, running blogs, family members' and old friends' blogs -- but I am not so sure that blogging is for me. I lack in the writing department. Writing any more than a sentence leaves me a little panic stricken.

In college, seeing a paper assigned on the syllabus would make my stomach turn. I would start my papers weeks ahead of time, otherwise I had no idea how I would be able to fill up the assigned number of pages. On top of that the thought of other people reading what I write is a tad bit embarrassing. My cheeks are a little warm just thinking about it.

But on the encouragement of some and the desire to interact with other soapers, I am going against my better judgement and blogging. Mostly about my soapy projects, maybe about my boys from time to time, perhaps sometimes about other projects around the house, or I guess just whatever strikes my fancy. So, ready or not, here I come late to the blogging party.